Welcome to my Street Team, otherwise known as Vonnie's Vixens.
~Once you join, you'll have access to my Facebook page, Vonnie's Vixens. You'll see little tabs at the top, above where you leave a comment--Members, Events, Photos, and Files. In the files section, I'll have files set up for you to add your twitter, facebook and birthday information, Oh, and your home address so I know where to send your swag. This is so I can send you promotional material as I get it. I'll say it again--Your email, address, and any web information you send me will be kept private.
~If for any reason you want to opt out of my Street Team--life does get crazy on us all--please, just email me to let me know. ** A word of caution from me. Swag and free books get expensive for the author. We're often lucky to get one free book from publishers for ourselves, so we must buy copies we give away. For that reason, if you join and do NOT tweet on Twitter or post to Facebook at all on the Street Team's behalf for over a month, YOU WILL BE DELETED from the group.
~Anytime I have a new book coming out, I will email you an eBook copy. You can read it right on your PC or upload to Kindle or iPad. These are NOT to be shared or emailed out. These are NOT to be sold! These are my GIFTS to you. In return, I hope you'll leave a review...good, bad or please, someone unplug this woman's computer before she writes another mess like this!
~ I will tell you on our private Facebook page anytime I post new material here at our site. This will alert you to check here for new posts. There will not be a lot and usually will correlate with an upcoming release.
~ There are 2 tabs here on the site: Facebook and Twitter. On average 1-2 times a week I ask that you copy/paste one of the pre-made posts for you to a social media site. Eventually, there might be quite a few, and the oldest releases/posts are toward the bottom.
~ On our private Facebook page called Vonnie's Vixens I'll be posting tweets for you to post to twitter and for us to generally chit-chat on. I love to talk and tease. So, please feel free to join in. And...*cough*...I enjoy posting drool-worthy pictures of hunks where clothes are optional, so be forewarned, my lovelies.
~ It really helps authors to get reviews from readers. If you've read one of my books, please post a review to Amazon, B&N, or Goodreads. That is a big help! Huge, my Vixens. HUGE!
~ Other ways to help and participate in the team are to "like" or "share" or "retweet" my posts, or anything you see with the #vonniesvixens hashtag. If you know anyone else who is interested in being on the team, please send them or give them the link to this site. They can email me to join after they've read everything involved in being part of the team. I need active members who will help make the group vital, not someone who's only in it for the free books.
*** I am so happy to have you dearhearts on board! Welcome to Vonnie's Vixens!!!